In the past dozen years, Cabernet Sauvignon has developed into Washington’s most important variety – perhaps its grape of destiny.
Many of Washington’s top winemakers view Cabernet Sauvignon as the greatest expression of the state’s winemaking. And for good reason. The noble grape of Bordeaux grows beautifully in the Columbia Valley, ripening slowly and to perfection during the long, late, warm Septembers and Octobers.
In recent years, Cabernet Sauvignon has not only surpassed Merlot as the state’s No. 1 red grape, but it also has zoomed past Riesling and Chardonnay as Washington’s top variety.
And this isn’t likely to change soon. Ask growers on Red Mountain, in the Horse Heaven Hills and on the Wahluke Slope what they’re planting, and it seems as though 75 percent of everything going into the ground is Cabernet Sauvignon.
Here are a dozen Washington Cabs we’ve tasted in recent weeks. Ask for them at your favorite wine merchant or contact the wineries directly.
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